What if you can’t do your job anymore?

What if?

Perhaps you have found what you love doing! Dairy farming. Truck repair. Soap making. Stock market playing. Full stack development. Contractor. Nurse.

You’re healthy and happy right now, making money, being outside, calling your own shots. But what if something happens which takes your dream away? Blindness. Becoming wheelchair-bound. Tornado. Amputation.

No matter what job you do, something could come around and strip that away from you in the span of minutes. But you’re happy and healthy now! No need to worry yet, right?

No. Unless you want to end up depressed and downward spiralling.

Plan now for some what ifs!  What if you couldn’t do what you do any more, but needed to? What if your ability was stripped from you – could you still do the job with some minor changes? Or major changes? What jobs could you switch into instead easily?

You, a dairy farmer, get into an accident and become wheelchair bound. What modifications would you need to do to continue doing what you needed to do, with no extra help? With a little extra help? Could you afford it or plan for it now just in case?

You, a stock market investor, are living the life – till you lose your eyesight from an unknown reaction to medicines (friend of mine lost her hearing from this!) What program could you learn NOW so you won’t miss a single good trade, using voice, keyboard commands, and disability access programs available?

Is YOUR career doable despite unknown future disabilities? Are you able to work despite adversity?

Would you sink, or swim?

Would you die, or modify?

Keep living how you are, but plan now for some what ifs.

  • Save 3-6 months of living expenses if you can (Go here if that isn’t possible. The skillseeker program helps you change THAT quickly!)
  • Make a plan for if you were to be blinded in a freak accident tomorrow. How CAN you do your job with no eyesight?
  • Make a plan for if you go deaf. Can you do your job, and how?
  • If you are put into a wheelchair with limited use of your hands and zero use of your legs, how will you make your wonderful career fit you?
  • How about if cancer hits you? How will you work with having to spend a lot of your days with treatments?

Make a “what if” plan now, in case tomorrow is the day your world changes.