Give hiring managers a reason to hire you!

Who is hiring? Everyone! But what do you want to do?

I see lots of “who is hiring in cityname?” posts. Guys, there are LOTS of jobs open!
But it depends what you want to do. Not what you can do. I see tons of jobs, on fb, on indeed, on linkedin, daily. Hourly.
It depends not on your skills, but on your DREAMS nowadays. It sounds like BS, I know. Just another consultant trying to sell their service to you.
Here’s the proof: I’m connected with 500 recruiters and hiring managers and that number is growing daily! They all say the exact same thing….“I don’t care as much about their lack of skills, I just wanna know why they wanna work here.”
Sure, I can help you find jobs just fine, but getting one? That’s up to you, I can only get you so far. Companies want to know why they should hire you over the 100 other candidates!
If your reasoning is “uhhhh, I just need a job and a chance”, you will not be getting that job.
No hiring manager, unless desperate for warm bodies like retail and restaurant jobs, will hire you.
I’ve seen people hired with only passion, no other skill besides a few restaurant jobs!

Answer one question...

So the question is simple. What do you want to do? If you cannot answer that yet, no problem.
Get your butt on indeed and search open jobs, mark down ones that sound interesting, study the jobs in detail, watch YouTube videos, tailor your current resume for the job you choose, and start applying like mad.
All you need to “want the job” is to finish this sentence : “It sounds interesting because…”