
The overload system – how to stop it before it stops you!

One problem people experience is overloading themselves – or letting people overload you before you’re ready to sort it out. At this time, young people experience this the absolute worst! I call it The Overload System.

Let’s make it a bit more manageable.

Let’s say you’re 16 and thinking already (or forced to think about) your future. You think you might wanna be a doctor or be in medicine in some way.


Now, watch as society and your parents and your school absolutely overload you with requirements, grades you must get, papers you must write to get into “the best medical school ever so you can become a great doctor and be top of your class and you’ll be the best doctor ever and make TONS OF MONEY and anything other than perfection and top-ness means you’re a failure!”

The Overload System

If you just had a panic attack reading this hypothetical situation…you’ve just fallen prey to The USA’s Overload System.

F. That.

Breathe for a second, let the panic attack I’ve just induced subside, put in some earplugs, and keep reading.

That system we all live in now is meant to overload you and keep you down, keeping you a low-earning worker. Once you get over a certain threshold – that system disappears. There’s a small middle ground which does nothing for or against you. Then the system starts pushing you up!

Cross that bridge when you come to it!

Back to that 16 year old you. Everything starts overloading you – expectations and choices especially. This is when you learn to say “I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it.” Need to make a college choice now? NO. You’ll cross that bridge when you come to it, when it becomes absolutely necessary to pick.

Need to pick what type of doctor you’ll be, though you’re Pre-Med? NO. You’ll cross that bridge later. People asking you what you’re going for? “I don’t quite know yet, I’ll choose a bit later into my studies.”

All you need to know is what you need to do NOW, at 16.

In this case, focusing on your grades and only your grades. Maybe taking some biology courses next semester and your senior year. Cross each bridge as you come to it, not all right now!

Back to you, dear reader, in your current job/jobless state and current age. What’s the “maybe thinking about doing x” future you have in mind? What do you need to do to get started towards it?

Don’t pick the end goal, just head in the direction! That “maybe thinking about doing X” is a sign as long as it’s coming from internal factors (your heart, your interests) not external (family pressure, extremely high money/marketable value job, availability and longevity of the job).

Then cross each bridge as you come to it, headed towards the ultimate goal.

Don’t let The USA Overload System win!