Bring out your skeletons with these mental questions….

The mental skeleton destroyers

Before we get into the questions…you need a little bit of armor. So if you can go grab these first – do so!

  1. Tissues. You may or may not need them.
  2. Water.
  3. A plush or something comforting.
  4. Paper and pen. Write down the answers. It makes it real-er.
  5. Kindness to yourself. You’re about to go through some shit. Don’t punch yourself down while doing so.

Why? Because this is going to hurt. You don’t want to trip down the stairs unable to see through the tears. No use adding another mental skeleton thanks to a hospital trip.

One question at a time.

Why are you unwanted?

(I’m not saying you are, but see if a part of you shoots up an answer.)

Why are you not good enough?

(I’m not saying you aren’t, but what comes up for you?)

Why are you not like everyone else? What’s different about you? How so?

(Write what hits you first.)

When did you stop loving yourself? If never, why haven’t you started?

(Be vulnerable and honest.)

How many things are you distracting yourself with? What do you feel they do for you?

(example: social media makes you not think about things, gaming makes you feel accomplished…)

What are you scared will happen?

(random fears are fine)

Mental skeletons keep us from thinking and thriving. These aren’t all the questions that can bring out all those skeletons – but it’s a start!

Now that all those skeletons are out on paper – you may be a crying mess. If not – let yourself. Have the mental breakdown! It’s ok, you’ll survive it! Become a sobbing blob on the floor! Scream it out, whatever you do!

Don’t hold it back. Stop the holding it back. The holding it back is what becomes those hidden mental skeletons. We have to feel the pain to get through it.


(Thanks to Julian Blanc for some of these questions!)