Can you learn a job from Youtube?

Can you Youtube yourself into a job?

Did you know it’s possible to build an entire house, with no knowledge, just from watching Youtube videos?
Multiple people are doing it right now! (I watch their Youtube videos, don’t worry official inspections make sure you do everything legally and to code!) People are not only learning about jobs from Youtube, they are learning the whole job from Youtube!
If you can learn to build a house and do the whole house from Youtube alone.. think about other jobs you can learn in their entirety.
CAN you?
Is it okay to learn a job all from Youtube and then have that count towards some sort of employment? Putting it on your resume? Maybe even just doing the whole job yourself, starting your own thing?

Yes.       Y. E. S.    and yes!


Not all fields though! Some jobs you can't learn from Youtube.

Sure, there are a few jobs you need degrees and certifications for, I’m not talking about learning them (doctor, lawyer, scientist, etc). I’m not talking about jobs where you have to develop a decent mastery under careful training (electrician, engineer, architect).
I’m talking about jobs you can start learning from Youtube until you are employed or develop your own employment. Hirers and recruiters call it “showing grit and drive”!
Doing some of the beginning legwork to show your commitment to a field you’d like to be in, is employ-ability in itself. Recruiters notice keywords from the fields they are looking to hire.

Learn a job, talk about the job, apply to the job!

Some actionable steps:

1. You will need a hint about what you’d like to learn first. If you don’t have that, you may wish to join my Skillseeker or Ikigai programs to figure out what’s best for you to start with. But if you already have a hint…a tiny interest…

2. Google may be helpful here, to find job names and descriptions, and from there, diving into each to see the component skills and experiences needed.
3. Once you’ve found the job names, titles, core skills, LinkedIn and Indeed can be valuable to figure out any programs you can download and learn for the job, or any skills you can work on in your current job if you have one!

4. Where do you put those skills since you can’t put them under a job? In a “Other Skills” category. Everyone should have one in their resume so past skills can show up without listing tons of old jobs!
So go watch a thousand Youtube videos on the subject of your slight interests and see if that interest grows.
Download the programs you can download and just mess around with them, learn what the stuff does or means! Learn the inner codes of the job, the inside knowledge for the fun of it!
Then put that knowledge, the programs, the “I’m interested in the field of X” on your resume. You don’t need to be in the job to start learning about it!