Feeling defeated as an entry level grad? Resume tip you won’t hear –

You've heard how to make a resume as a college grad, but have you heard this resume tip? Bet you have, but not told how to implement it!

“Get really clear on what skills you have.” goes the resume tip.

You’ve heard that before, but you have no skills! Or so thought External_Struggle from Reddit.

You do. He did. Everyone does.

Every experience and college class has given you the basics of some skill! Take the top 5 classes you had, generalize one skill out of them (maybe 2) and list them on your resume under a skills category or under your college experience in a few major bullet points.

That’s it.

But you can’t count that as a skill, right? You’re not an expert! You weren’t paid for it in a job!

WHO told you that you had to be?

I post that strongly for a reason – because no one did. It was somehow innately assumed in your head that you had to, but you don’t. No one requires that!

Hirers know you’re not going to be THE TOP OF DA SKILL, but they do want to see what you think you’ve gained from college or previous jobs, in the form of a few skills or values you’ve gained or, if possible, what value you’ve added to something. (It’s ok if you don’t have any of that.)

Once you add that resume tip on your resume, it’ll get you a few more calls back!

A little extra info...

Soon after, a user named Vorcton commented:
“I always assumed classes don’t really count given most candidates would technically have the same skills.”

Yep! You definitely can add those; because while every candidate has had access to learn the same skills, they may find their talent to be in other skills gained within that same class – different ones than you found some value/talent in. They’ll have a different set of skills, and a different set they’ve pulled from different classes you never took!

Hirers see the value of the skills you yourself have identified, as it shows you took something away from your college or gained experiences so far in life. Doesn’t matter one bit if you were paid for them or if YOU paid for them!

Hope this resume tip helps you as a college grad, spread it around and watch recruiters be amazed at your thoughtful resume!