Choosing a path in college. Right path? Wrong path?

I don't know what I want to do career-wise. I'm in college.

This is from an online post I responded to.

Hi everyone! I am a freshman in college. I have already changed my major three times. Currently I’m a public relations major. But before it was social work and before that it was health science (Occupational therapy track). I’m still not sure if I’m on the right path.

The point to this post is that IDK what I want to do. I know what I don’t want to do though.

I want a career where I can help others and still make a good salary.

I was thinking if I do PR (public relations), or I could work at a nonprofit.

I really like the idea of doing outreach. I was thinking outreach manager or a similar role. Does something like this even exist?

Is there anything who can offer their advice?

Stop worrying!

This is going to be hard to hear…but the answer is “Stop worrying about figuring out your dream job as a freshman in college!”

Your job is to study something. It does not matter if it is “the right path for you”. It doesn’t matter if you fuck up your choice and choose a wrong path and hate it after a year. Change THEN….not before you know what you like!

There is no such thing as knowing what you want to do at 18. It’s fucking rare to know, and you not knowing is NOT A CHARACTER FLAW. Often people who “know what they want to do at 18” do so because their parent or family member is into it, so they know a bit already so they can “fall into it” easier. And guess what?

By age 40, they are burnt the fuck out and change careers with the help of high-ticket career consultants. Because they don’t know what else they can do by that point.

They didn’t choose the wrong path for themselves. They grew out of it. All humans grow into, and out of, their chosen path. Their path changes.

Choosing a path is easy…you don’t. Your job in college is to study something, and figure out what you like after 3+ jobs doing shit you find you hate. You won’t be losing out on shit. It’s not wasting your time. Your brain isn’t finished growing yet, so there is no way to tell yet. So do anything! Keep doing what you are now, or switch to something else you feel drawn toward. Until you get further information or feelings – you are on the right path NOW.

There’s no such thing as a wrong path.

woman walks down a path that has many directions

Just go on it until you find something else that looks interesting. Then switch. Choose THAT path.