Float through life? Nah. Choose to move!

There’s two ways to go through life: Let life take you and give you opportunities…rarely…if it ever does…

Or you choose to move and do a LOT of stuff and grab at things as you see them pass by you.

It’s not a “move three steps and give up” sort of thing. It’s “start running a marathon and go down paths that you’ve chosen for no reason other than it looked good”.

Choose to move

Choose. Randomly if you have to, to start. Connect with people and say what you want and what you’re looking for. Say what you can do. I don’t care if you make a fb post saying “I need a job making $50,000 a year. I’m good at X and Y. Help me find the path to get there. Ideas please!”

Then once you’ve got even a tiny hint of an idea – do it. Relentlessly. Until a new path comes that looks like it might turn into something that you might want. Go for that. If you think it leads to that $50k job, keep your eyes out for it.

The first 20 things you identify may be ghosts…dead ends. Don’t worry, some are.

When you’re in a maze (which we all are in!) the paths may lead to dead ends – turn around, get on your original track and keep going. You’ll hit dozens of dead ends in a maze. Eventually you will rule out all the dead ends and some you’ll be able to spot before you go in. But there is always a win at the end!

The act of choosing creates opportunities!

The act of choosing creates opportunities!

Choosing to move leads to a weird phenomenon. It attracts opportunities to you. Don’t ask me why, others say it’s the universe or attribute their particular religion. I prefer to think that people just like seeing people move, be interesting, and then chat with those movers about how they can move with you or how they know of similar movers.

Bam, suddenly opportunities!

So, the question is, what/where/when will you choose to move?

Start by finishing this sentence: “I would love to do X if I had time/money/education”
Then take out the “If I had time/money/education” and figure out what tiny step you CAN do towards it!