A career path in life?

You’re 17 years old and you know nothing about what you want to do in life. Yet, you are about ready to choose a college – how are you supposed to choose your major now when you barely know what you want to eat for dinner? You don’t even know how to make dinner yet, and you’re being asked to choose one career path for the rest of your LIFE?

It’s not fair!

It’s also not true. You don’t have to do that. But here’s why thinking about a few potentials and planning them out is a good idea.

  • You get a head start on something, even if it leads down a path you don’t like. It’s ok – the idea of one path for the rest of your life is a lie. You can always….ALWAYS change it!
  • You figure out what you don’t like faster. This gives you hints about what you do like! Or as I call them, arrows.
  • You can switch to another potential way quicker and give that one a try for a class or two.

Choose a college that contains degree paths for as many potentials as you can. You’ll be much better off than your peers, can play between the majors more, and discover what you like and don’t like way faster than them! Which will eventually lead you into discovering your Dream Path faster!